Sub and Master account handling allows the 'customer' to have multiple locations and receive 1 bill (Invoice or Statement) for all their locations. In addition, if one location needs to be 'locked' because of non payment, all accounts attached to the Master are locked.
Note - if you enter an L action code in the Master Account, all subs will be locked but only the master will display the L action code.
Some facts about Sub-Master handling
Customers receive 1 Invoice or Statement separated and sub-totaled by sub account (see sample below).
All balances remain on the Master Account.
Master customer must be set up in a Master Cycle.
All Sub Accounts must have the Master account company and customer # in the Master No fields.
Once a linked account is locked, all locations and master are locked.
You can only link a Sub Account to a Master Account if the Sub Account has a zero balance and no current charges or current payments. The customer may need to go through a Statement run (for Balance Forward) or Month End (for Open Item or Open Statement) to clear these fields after an adjustment has been made to zero out their balance due.
You cannot link the following:
If the customer is a Master Acct, cannot enter a Master Customer# on the customer profile.
If the customer is a Master Acct, cannot enter a National Customer# on the customer profile.
If the customer is a National Acct, cannot enter a National Customer# on the customer profile.
If the customer is a National Acct, cannot enter a Master Customer# on the customer profile.
If the customer is not a Master or a National Acct, but you are entering a National Acct# on the customer profile - the National Customer# being entered cannot be in a Master Cycle.
Examples where used: School districts, Real Estate Management Companies, Municipal & HOA contracts where all locations are entered as individual customers, Roll off accounts where the contractor has several different site locations.
Many roll off customers (construction companies, roofers, etc) may NOT want one bill - they may want individual bills for each location.
Sample Invoice