Soft-Pak’s container inventory has been enhanced to accurately track where your containers are and how long they’ve been there.


To accomplish this task we have modified our Driver Logs and Work Order processes to allow data capture WITHOUT additional data entry and file maintenance.


This module consists of the following changes:


ü      Activation of the Container Inv Maintenance Variable 5  (Company Master)

ü      Activation of User desc2  (Cycle Master)

ü      New fields in the Container Inventory window

o       Date Relocated

o       Last Activity date

ü      In-Activity Report on the Container Inventory menu


What it takes to make this happen?  Not much.


ü      Activate serial number controls for the container types you need tracked

ü      Activate the above fields plus Validate Serial #s in the Cycle Master


Here’s what makes things happen. . .


  1. Container delivery – When a container is delivered the user enters the serial number thru Driver Logs (roll-off delivery) or keys a new service into the customer’s Services window.  When this is done the Inventory Master for that container is updated with the ‘Re-located’ and ‘Last Activity’ date.


    The system automatically calculates the ‘Due’ date for servicing.


  2. Creating and posting Work Orders – When the container is serviced the User keys the serial number into User #2 (SERIAL# field), the system validates the container is at the customer site and updated the ‘Last Activity’ date when posted.  ‘Due Date’ is then re-calculated.


Reporting is available of containers that have passed the acceptable time limit for servicing. 


If you are tired of boxes sitting around without being serviced and haven’t found an effective way to TRULY track them.  We’ve got the answer for you!


Getting Started


  1. Activate Inventory control for the specific container types you want to track.  For example we will use 20YD Roll-Off boxes


  2. Company Master (Misc Var’s) – Activate Container Inv Maintenance / Interval

    1. Interval # 5 should be ‘LAST ACTIVITY’

    2. Interval (days) should be the number of days you allow a customer to have a container before you want it back, usually 3-10 days.


  3. Cycle Master – Since we are tracking roll-off containers we would update our Roll-Off Cycles as follows:

    1. User desc2 – Must container the word ‘SERIAL#’.

    2. Validate Bin Serial #’s Must be checked as Yes

    Cycle Master Screen


  4. Services Window – If a new service is keyed and *Serial number validation is activated the system will:

    1. Validate that the Serial # is available in the Serial Master

    2. If it is valid then assign it to the customer

    3. Mark the inventory record with the Relocated Date equal to the System date and enter that same date into the “Last Activity” date field (Interval #5).


    Services Screen



    Bin/Serial# Entry/Update Screen



  5. Driver Log entry/update – If container inventory is updated through Driver Logs (See Cycle Master) and this is a delivery or exchange container the System will:

    1. Add the container to the customer’s Services screen

    2. Mark the inventory record with the new customer and update the Date Re-located field, same as above.


  6. Work Order Entry – If a work order is entered for a customer in the above Cycle(s) the system will:

    1. Check the description of the 2nd User field looking for ‘SERIAL#’

    2. Check to see if data is keyed into the field.

    3. If it is, validate that the data keyed is a valid serial # for that customer.


  7. Work Order Posting – If there is a serial # in the work order and the above rules have been satisfied the update will:


    Work Order Entry/Update Screen



    1. Update the LAST ACTIVITY date in the Container inventory for the specified container.

    2. Re-compute the next ‘Due’ date as it did above.


  8. Roll-Off Inactivity Report – Found on the Operations Tab under Operations Reports.


Selection Screen


