Update Customers Price Changes

This option is used when there are changes made to charge codes in the Charge Code Master and you want the system to automatically update customer's prices with those same changes.


From the System Administration menu, select Update Customers with Price Changes. The following screen will be displayed.


It is STRONGLY recommended to run the listing first to verify the changes that will be made.

Print List of Changes only (NO Updates) - click Yes or No to put a in the selection.

Print List AND update Files with Changes - this option will print a listing of changes as well as performing the updates. Click Yes or No to put a in the selection.

Make your selection and click or press to accept your selection.  This will bring you to the Company Selection screen.


Click Yes or No to put a in the selection for each Company you wish to update prices on.  Click or press accept_entries_f5_1.jpg to go to the Price List selection screen.


Click Yes or No to put a in the selection for each Price List you wish to include in the update.  Click or press to continue.   A confirmation screen will be displayed.


Click or press Enter.jpg to continue and go back to the System Administration menu.



There are several reports that will be generated with this process.

SETPRCP - Customer Profile and Bins Price Changes Exception Report - This report will list any charge codes that could not be updated.  It will show an error description, the size/charge code, the co/customer number and the bin/services number.  

SETPRCPC - Customer Profile Price Change Listing - No longer needed in V4 because all charge codes and pricing are held in the bin/services file.

SETPRCPB - Bins Price Change Listing - This report will list all Bin/Services that had charge code updates.  The report displays the co/customer number, Bin#, Size/Chg code, Price List, Misc Charges, Old Rates and New Rates.

SETPRCPS - Contract Pricing Price Changes (S Type only) - This report will list all Contract Pricing records that had charge code updates.  The report displays the co/customer number, Size/Chg code, and all pricing fields displayed in contract pricing.