Welcome to the On Line Help documentation for

This help system is set up similar to a Web Site and designed to make navigation through the topics easy, quick and helpful. Since the system is designed as Web Help, you can use many of the top tool bar options in your browser (like forward, back, etc.)

All Rights Reserved

No part of this document may be copied, reproduced or translated

in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of Soft-Pak

Many of the topics documented are the 'typical' or 'trained' way of using i-Pak. There are always exceptions or other options available. While we have tried to suggest other ways of using the system, there is much flexibility built in, so there may be a work around that has not been indicated. Some involve updates to the program which we call 'wish list' items or there may be other ways to use the system to achieve what you need in your own environment. If you have ANY questions, or are looking for the 'BEST' way to handle a specific situation, please contact our Support Services department by phone at 1-800-860-4327 or by e-mail at [email protected].


We will continue to add to this help system with new features and functions and we welcome your input.

Thank you.