Master File Listing

This option allows you to print a listing of all master codes in a particular Master File or more than one file.

From the System Administration menu, select the Master Files menu option.

From the Master Files menu, select the Master File Listing option. The Master File Listing selection screen will be displayed.


In the Select Company ID field, enter the company ID you want to print or leave this field blank for all companies.

In the Include section, mark what type of master files you want to print on the report.  You can select Active, Inactive or Both (All).

In the Master Listing Selection, select the file to print by clicking on the box () to the left of the file name. Leave blank if you do NOT want to print out the file.

Click or press to accept your selections and the selection confirmation screen will be displayed.


The files you selected will be highlighted. To accept and continue with the report, click or press to submit the report. You will get a message that your selections are now printing.  Press to continue.  


This will bring you back to the i-Pak Master Files Menu.