Container Inventory

This report provides a listing of all containers by size/charge code, route, etc. that are currently set up on your customers Services/Bins screen.  You can print this report in Detail or in Summary.  


From the Operational Reports Menu select the Container Inventory report option #41, the Container Inventory Selection screen will be displayed.

You can fill out any or all of the fields to limit your selections.  If you want to see all Size=20 Containers, then enter Size=20 and leave Code = blank for both the "from" and "to" sections of the Size/Charge code section.


The report can be sorted by Serial#, but you do not need to be using serial# tracking for the report to work.  It's based off of information in the Bins/Services screen and not the serial# master.

Fill in your selections for the report and click or press to continue.

You will be prompted to confirm your selections, click or press to confirm your entries and process the report.


You will get a message that your request has been submitted.

The report titled INVNTORY should appear in your spool file, based on report form setup settings.

Sample Cover Page

Sample Report - Detail

Sample Report - Summary