The Cross Company Multiple Customer Copy feature allows the user to create new accounts by copying data from one customer into another. This option allows you to copy into multiple customers which can be in different companies as well. The new accounts are created with data based on the Copy Settings in the Account Class that the existing customer is in.
To Begin, go into the customer that you want to copy the information from and click on the X-Co/Mult Copy option under the Additional Functions section on the left hand side of your screen.
This will bring up a list of companies that you have access to.
From this X-Company/Mult Customer Copy screen, the user can highlight the Companies you want to copy to as well as select the Cycle Code you want the new customer to be created under. For your convenience, the current customer #, Cycle and Accounting Type are all listed at the top of the screen.
Note: If the Copy to Cycle is left blank, the new accounts cycle will default from the Account Class (of the original customer) 'Copy To Cycle' field. If that field is blank, then the cycle of the original customer will be copied into the new customer.
Once you have selected your companies and cycle, press to process and create the new accounts. A window will display showing the new accounts created and allow you access to update those customers immediately.
From this screen:
There are no reports created when the customers are copied. Please make note of the new account numbers if you do not wish to update and fix them immediately or the new accounts may not bill correctly. In the example above, the tax body is invalid for this company, so no taxes would be assessed until a valid code is updated into the account.
After you access the account from the X-Company Mult Customer Copy screen, when you go back to that window, the record STATUS/ERROR MESSAGE section will be updated with the following:
** UPDATED ** - if you go into update mode, regardless of whether you made changes or not.
** REVIEWED ** - if you go into the account in inquiry mode only.