Operations Master Files Menu



The following is a listing of the Files that need to be set up for you to get started using i-Pak.  They are listed in the order they should be set up (from top to bottom, left to right) - this may not match the order on the menu.  Click on each button to access the documentation for that file.

tip.jpg When creating your Master files, you want to make sure your codes are easy to remember for your users, easy to key, logical and informative.  In addition, we suggest you do NOT use any special characters (like '.', '&', '*', blanks, etc) in the codes.

Route Type Master

Address Master Entry/Update

Route Pickup Frequency

Build New Addr Mstr from Cust File

Vehicle Master File

Update Cust Route from Addr Mstr

Driver Master File


Route Master

Manufacturer Master

Unit of Measure Master

Bin Serial # Entry/Update

Materials Master

Create Serial #'s from Customer File

Disposal Site Master

Create/Delete Serial # by Range

Service & Delay File

Move Serial #'s to another Company

LEED Customer Type