The complete software solution for the solid waste industry.
Soft-Pak Waste Hauler Solutions
Powerful Solutions That Simplify Your Business & Improve Your Bottom Line
Soft-Pak® is a scalable, reliable, and easy-to-use software solution that delivers the power and flexibility to succeed in today’s competitive waste hauling marketplace. Whether you are an industry-top 20, a municipal operation, or a mid-size hauler with a single facility, Soft-Pak can effectively manage your operations. With Soft-Pak, all customer service, billing, routing, and operational information is available for users in a controlled and easy-to-access system. Soft-Pak operates on your own server or on the cloud, allowing you to choose what is best for your operation.

Soft-Pak Powerful Features
- A comprehensive customer service package
- On-line dispatching with route management
- Billing, accounts receivable, and collections are all integrated
- Productivity and profitability reporting per route.
- Inventory tracking, fleet maintenance, LEED reporting
- Scale Site Software MRF/Transfer Station and landfill ticketing
- Commodity tracking
- In-cab computing
- Online payment processing for client websites
- Sales management of prospect quotes and customer activity
- Extensive management reporting… on all your business segments
One Product. Unlimited Solutions.
Many software packages offer service, billing or routing functions specific to a single line of business; Soft-Pak brings them all together in one solution, allowing for complete operational control along multiple lines of business. You no longer require multiple databases/software applications for hauling, sales, billing, and scale activities; Soft-Pak does it all. Add value to your system with modules that extend the core application.
Developed by Waste Haulers for Waste Haulers
The Soft-Pak solution is scalable, flexible, and easy to use. With an open architecture, unmatched features, and a level of simplicity management and staff will appreciate every day. Looking for more information, get a demo, or request additional information from the helpful Soft-Pak staff. The Soft-Pak product has been the industry leader for 30+ years supporting both small and large hauling operations. Our software development team is continually adding features and benefits to the system based on feedback from our user base.
The annual user conference in San Diego, held every 18 months, provides a forum for all customers to come together and share ideas. Discussion topics range from new regulatory requirements, how different business segments are run, and what features should be added to the Soft-Pak system. Truly unique to the industry, Soft-Pak incorporates these discussions with our development team; as the “wish list” has become a popular discussion point for all users. Hauler and scale operators of all sizes have chosen the Soft-Pak system due to a number of factors. Listed below is a sample of why you might consider working with Soft-Pak and implementing the Soft-Pak solution.

The Powerful Features of Soft-Pak

Soft-Pak has been developed over 30 years with hundreds of haulers currently using the application. Soft-Pak works with all current Microsoft operating systems and is the only commercially viable application with 99.999% uptime.

Soft-Pak is developed for enterprise infrastructures; the application is efficient, flexible, and secure.

Run Soft-Pak on your server or choose to be hardware independent and run the application via the cloud.

Long-Term ROI
Less resources to maintain, low power requirements, 99.999% uptime, and no need for “clustering servers”, the Soft-Pak database provide a long term return on investment.

With over 100 standard reports, and the capability to utilize any reporting tool…. the possibilities are endless.

Customer Support
The team supporting your installation, configuration, and ongoing assistance all come from the waste industry. The current support staff has more than 260 combined years of industry and Soft-Pak experience.

Industry Specific
Soft-Pak is designed for haulers and scale operators. If you ask us a question, we know the answer… oftentimes having solved those issues for other clients before. We are here to help.

Customizable Software
Not all operations run their business the same. Our development team offers the ability to customize your Soft-Pak system to fit your needs.

Additional Modules
The additional modules allow any operation to extend the power of Soft-Pak with solutions that have been developed in coordination with our users. A win-win; with proven best of breed technologies all integrated into one solution.

Complete-Cloud Based Features
The Soft-Pak solution can be either on your own in-house server or on our secure hosted cloud. Our cloud solution provides complete Soft-Pak functionality without hardware investment. Ideal for operations that want to eliminate hardware purchases, maintenance, and administrative expense associated with supporting in-house servers. A standard high-speed internet connection (DSL, cable, wireless or cellular) is all that’s required; as the Soft-Pak application is platform and network independent. Leverage your existing equipment; as the Soft-Pak cloud solution works with most PCs and printers. The complete package; including customer support, software updates, and security all without having to manage more equipment.
Soft-Pak maintains 99.99% uptime with both a primary and secondary data center with real-time high availability replication software to ensure ongoing reliability. Both data centers are owned, managed, and supported by Soft-Pak; we do not outsource equipment, software, or support. No expense has been spared; as each data center maintains redundant power, multiple forms of connectivity, storage, and replacement equipment on site. Soft-Pak continues to test our DR “disaster recovery” failover process in an effort to ensure constant and reliable access no matter the emergency. Fast, secure, and reliable; with thousands of users, supporting their billing, routing, scale, and fleet operations, the Soft-Pak cloud continues to deliver value.
Secure. Compliant. Reliable.
How secure are your hardware and your data? That’s a big question in today’s business environment. The migration to cloud services is the choice for most waste haulers. Simply put, you gain reliability, performance, and security all while paying and managing less. User security is controlled by the client, so only company management or authorized administrators have access. Soft-Pak takes it one step further by contracting outside security experts to perform annual security vulnerability assessments. Just part of the ongoing investment to make sure our clients are secure. Prevent data loss, secure corporate information, and ensure your operation is never down….. all on the Soft-Pak cloud.

Security concerns that are addressed with the Soft-Pak Cloud
- Is your data secure?
- Who has access to your data?
- What is your disaster recovery plan when your main server fails?
- Do you have off site equipment and data storage at the ready?
- Who is responsible for reloading your dataset. How often is this tested?
- With a hardware failure, how long can you operate without access to your data?
- Is your hardware and security current and maintained?
- What vulnerability assessments have you performed?
- How are you storing clients credit card information?
Compliance concerns that are addressed with the Soft-Pak Cloud
- PCI compliance (In process of the certification)
- Tokenization of credit cards
- Ongoing vulnerability assessments
- Intrusion detection
- PN and SSL access offered for increased security